The average house price on DUNNS HEATH is £443,844
The most expensive house in the street is CHAPEL COTTAGE DUNNS HEATH with an estimated value of £614,836
The cheapest house in the street is ALLENBY COTTAGE DUNNS HEATH with an estimated value of £321,310
The house which was most recently sold was ALLENBY COTTAGE DUNNS HEATH, this sold on 10 Nov 2017 for £253,000
The postcode for DUNNS HEATH is SY4 3HY
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 DUNNS HEATH Semi-Detached £337,796 £68,500 12 Dec 1997
4 DUNNS HEATH Detached £468,343 £90,000 23 May 1997
ALLENBY COTTAGE DUNNS HEATH Detached £321,310 £253,000 10 Nov 2017
CHAPEL COTTAGE DUNNS HEATH Detached £614,836 £127,000 6 Feb 1998
CRAB TREE COTTAGE DUNNS HEATH Detached £476,936 £286,000 11 Dec 2006